With more amd more people using paper bags instead of plastic ones, you can find one easily for your tiger puppet.

Paper Bag Tiger [Illustrations by Sudheer Nath]
Paper Bag Tiger [Illustrations by Sudheer Nath]

The things you need:

Paper bag, paints and eyes.

Step 1. Take a paper bag and make the face of a Tiger using black paint.

Step 2. Paint the Tiger yellow.

Step 3. If you cannot imagine then see this picture and make the face accordingly.

Step 4. Ask your mother to get you a pair of eyes for your tiger from the market. The moving eyes will give a real look to your puppet.

There you have a tiger which will not scare you.

113 words | 1 minutes
Based on Flesch–Kincaid readability scores

Filed under: craft activities
Tags: #tigers, #paint, #puppets

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