Chitra Padmanabhan

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All features, stories and articles authored by: Chitra Padmanabhan

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The Fox and the Grapes

The Fox and the Grapes

Fitru fox was in a relaxed mood. He had no work that day. Since it was a holiday, the farmer was at home guarding his chickens. There was no way Fitru could reach them. Luckily, there was some food left over from the previous night. Life was beautiful. He closed his eyes for a moment. The Fox and the Grapes [Illustrations by Shridevi] When he opened his eyes he found himself looking at one, two and three bunches of luscious grapes, and got excited....

The Squeaky Squirrel

The Squeaky Squirrel

Squeaky squirrel is a little sad His bushy tail is looking bad Once it was a shiny one Then someone used it As a baby’s bottlebrush! The Squeaky Squirrel [Illustration by Shinod AP] But he likes the baby So he’s no longer sad The baby’s mother has promised him a good bath!

Summer fan

Summer fan

The fan turns slow On a hot airless night Like a bird without wings That has forgotten to fly. I look closely What a surprise! There are beads of sweat On the fan blades as well. The cooler and the cooled Are in the same state It’s going to be a tough summer At this rate. Summer fan [Illustration by Shinod AP]

What is the origin of OK?

What is the origin of OK?

‘I’m OK means ‘I’m fine’. But if you say the weather’s OK in a lazy drawl, it could mean ‘so-so’. When you respond with an OK at the end of someone’s explanation, you could be saying, ‘Alright, I get what you’re saying’. And when someone explains that ‘This is the way to do it, OK?’ it means, ‘Have you understood?’ What is the origin of OK? [Illustration by Shinod AP] One abbreviation, many meanings....

Your Mobile Phone Has a Bug

Your Mobile Phone Has a Bug

When people talk of a virus these days, chances are that they are talking about computer viruses that have the power to wipe out all the valuable work they may have stored in their computers. Imagine, this virus has the power to make military systems, giant banks, airports, hospitals and traffic systems come to a halt! The softer the name of the virus, the deadlier it may get. Remember the recent Love Bug virus which created such trouble all over the world?...

Peppermint to Chase Mosquitoes Away

Peppermint to Chase Mosquitoes Away

Padma Vasudevan, a scientist from India’s capital, Delhi, has made an important discovery. Her team of researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, has found that peppermint oil chases away mosquitoes. It can also kill the mosquito larvae (Larvae are the wingless forms that hatch out of insect eggs). The best news of all is that it is very effective against the Anopheles mosquito, which spreads malaria. Peppermint to Chase Mosquitoes Away The scientists did an interesting experiment....

Seeing the City

Seeing the City

I have a friend with whom I argue a lot. No, that seems as if I am the one who does the arguing all the time. Half the time it is he who says something ridiculous, and then we start arguing! There is one topic that we keep coming back to argue upon. I have stayed in one city all my life — in Delhi, the capital of India. He from childhood has lived in many places — cities as well as small towns across India....

The Plant at the Crossing

The Plant at the Crossing

At a crowded crossing I saw a brave new recruit to stem the environmental rot A tiny young plant transplanted in a metal cage took the exhaust of buses, trucks, cars and scooters full blast The rate of wilting will indicate pollution levels said a municipal official with a satisfied smile The Plant at the Crossing [Illustration by Shinod AP] Testing death on a plant is so much better In fact a “no-cost” option...

Smelling Food with the Tongue

Smelling Food with the Tongue

Snakes are smart. They move fast and without sound. And they know how to protect themselves against enemies by looking as if they are part of forest growth. And they do it so well that someone may just step over them thinking they are logs or the stem of a plant. That’s when they bite. It is surprising then, to know that these reptiles do not have a powerful vision. They can see you move if you are close by, but not if you are standing at a distance....

The Cool and Cunning Lark

The very mention of summer and heat makes us think of desert land. Countless films have shown thirsty travellers lost in the desert, uttering the words, ‘Water! Wa-a-ter, waaa…” But then what do you do if the temperature even in the desert shade is as high as 50 degree centigrade, hot winds almost cut you up into pieces, and there is no water, or even saliva in your mouth? If you are smart like the desert animals, you would probably sleep during the day and move about at night....


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