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All features, stories and articles tagged with: Generations

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When two Voices become One Voice of Peace

When two Voices become One Voice of Peace

Have you ever asked your family members or friends about the images they think of when a mention is made of war? Chances are that many would think of the mushroom cloud made by the atomic bombs that were dropped by the United States over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, on August 6 and August 9, 1945, during the Second World War. Bombs wiped out more than half the population of the cities, and made the survivors and future generations suffer the harmful effects of radiation, in the form of terrible diseases and illnesses....

Gandhi's School is Dying

Gandhi's School is Dying

Where: Wardha district in the western state of Maharashtra, India October 6 : Every year, October 2 is observed as Gandhi Jayanti in India. Both children and adults look forward to this day, but not to commemorate the birth of ‘the greatest Indian since the Buddha, as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi has been called. It is more to enjoy the national holiday that falls on this day. To most people Gandhi Jayanti is more like a history lesson they learnt by rote in school....

A School for Dreamers

A School for Dreamers

A school for dreamers? Teachers who help you build castles in the air? But such a school does exist. Here children have their heads in the clouds, but their feet planted firmly on the ground. Well, not quite planted. The mighty leaps into the air and well-aimed kicks during the ‘kalaripayittu’ class are the envy of any acrobat. (Kalaripayittu, an ancient martial art of Kerala, is the mother of all martial arts in the world)....

Insensitivities of people

Insensitivities of people

There are so many sensitivities and insensitivities taking place around us. In this project we have tried to discover few of them. Indian sensitivities through our eyes: Insensitivity on the roads: So many accidents are taking place on Indian roads. Are we really sensitive towards those accident victims? Can a little help save those accident victims. Sensitivity regarding sanitary conditions on roads: Aren’t our roads acting as open toilets for men folk? Are we concerned only about the cleanliness of our homes....

Dead Poet's society

Dead Poet's society

October 28: Do any of these names make your heart sing a sonnet – Oliver Goldsmith, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, Byron? All of them are famous poets of England of long ago. But where has the poetry of these poets gone today? Is it only to be confined to a select few intellectuals, the older generation, and to the dusty cobwebbed shelves at home? Dead Poet’s society [Illustration by Sudheer Nath] Will the younger generation sweep aside the lyrics of Madonna and Michael Jackson and read classical English verses that are literally poetry-in-motion?...

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