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All features, stories and articles tagged with: Grasshoppers

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The Apple Tree

The Apple Tree

There was an old apple tree in a farmer’s garden. It was so old that it had stopped bearing fruit a long time ago. The only purpose it served was to provide shelter to the sparrows, grasshoppers and squirrels in the neighbourhood. One day, the farmer decided to cut the tree down. He felt it had become completely useless. Besides, he wanted to get some furniture made and what better way to ensure the wood supply from the tree?...

Why do Locusts Swarm?

Why do Locusts Swarm?

Have you ever tried chasing a frisky grasshopper? If you have, you will definitely know that scampering after a jumpy bug is not an easy task. Most species of grasshoppers have a keen sense of hearing and the moment they sense trouble, they can hop fast and furious! Sometimes, shortage of food turns grasshoppers into migratory insects as they venture out in search of newer pastures. This situation happens when the species begins reproducing rapidly and does not have enough food for all the members of its community....

Preparing for Winter

Preparing for Winter

Autumn was coming to an end. All the insects and animals were working very hard to stock their larders with enough food to last them the winter. They all knew that winter time would be tough – it would be cold and food would be scarce. As it would get dark really soon, it would be difficult to go looking for food. Therefore, everyone was working hard, all except Mr Grasshopper. He loved autumn. Autumn was a time when the leaves changed colour....

Little Blue Daisies

Little Blue Daisies

Little Blue Daisies [Illustration by Shinod AP] Little blue daisies in my flowerbed First came the ladybird red red red Fly away ladybird said the daisy blue Poor little ladybird flew flew flew Then came the grasshopper green green green He hid in the leaves not to be seen Hop away grasshopper, said the daisy blue Poor little grasshopper Went hop, hop hop Third came the bumblebee black black black...

Excerpts From 'The Wonderful World of Insects'

What is an Insect? An insect is quite different from you and me. It has a body that is divided into three parts: the head, the middle which is called the thorax and the abdomen which is usually the largest part of the body. Did you know that many insects can see in more than one direction without turning their heads? This is because they have compound eyes. Compound eyes are made up of lots of cone-shaped units packed close together....

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