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All features, stories and articles tagged with: Ginger

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Ginger, the New Wonder Medicine

Ginger, the New Wonder Medicine

Ginger has always been an essential part of most Indian kitchens and grandmothers’ medicine boxes. This spice has been used to treat the feeling of vomiting and indigestion. Now the Western world has also discovered the wonderful qualities of ginger. They see it as a powerful medicine against nausea across the world. Ginger, the new wonder medicine In India, grandmothers have known all along that the juice squeezed from ginger mixed with lime juice can stop one from feeling like vomiting....

The Girl who Loved Danger

The Girl who Loved Danger

Once there was a lovely girl named Ginger. The one thing she loved the most was danger. There was only one reason she loved danger. She loved it because she had never faced any danger. She was forbidden to go any farther then the garden. Her father would not allow it because one day her mother went beyond the garden to get her scarf that had blown away. She never returned. Ginger was also the daughter of the richest man in Teton, where she lived....

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