Craft Activities for Kids

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Make cards, masks, gifts, toys...

Range of art & craft activities for kids. Make cards, masks, gifts and toys using simple, even throw-away things… Crafts & art is fun, we’ll show you how

100 items in this section. Displaying page 5 of 10

Danglers for your Car

Danglers for your Car

Some use them as good luck charms — the danglers hanging from the rear view mirror of the car. Some like to see a nice decoration. Many prefer to buy these danglers but it is possible to make the most interesting and whacky danglers at home. The things you need: Danglers for your Car [Illustrations by Sudheer Nath] Coloured beeds, thick wire and flat buttons. Step 1. Tie a knot at the end of the wire so that the beeds do not fall....

Paper Chains

Paper Chains

Diwali is that time of year when markets get flooded with decorations. You could buy them or perhaps try and make them on your own. Paper Chains [Illustrations by Shiju George] All you need is: Crepe paper or Glossy paper. Scissors. Colours. Adhesive. Step 1: Take a sheet of paper, nine inches square. Fold it diagonally into two. You will get a triangle like the one in the illustration....

The Walnut Tortoise

The Walnut Tortoise

The tortoises are simple to make and you can have great fun playing with them. The things you need: The Walnut Tortoise [Illustrations by Sudheer Nath] Walnut, card sheet, pencil, eraser, scissors, glue and colours. Step 1. Break a walnut into two. Atleast one shell should be perfect. Step 2. Put the shell, dome side up on the card sheet. Draw out the legs, mouth and tail of the tortoise. Step 3....

The Magnetic Fish Bowl

The Magnetic Fish Bowl

This unusual fishing game is simple to assemble and great fun to play. And you won’t have to worry about pulling poor live fish out of the water. Items required: The Magnetic Fish Bowl [] Four to six magnets (one for each player; magnets can be found at any hardware shop), paper clips, stickytape, four to six thin nine-inch sticks (one for each player; unsharpened pencil work really well), a large bowl of water, aluminium foil, string and scissors....

My Hut

My Hut

My Hut [Illustrations by Anup Singh] All you need is: Square sheet of paper. Colours. Fold the paper as shown in each of the figures. The hut that you have made looks unfurnished. Use some good colours to paint it.

Colourful Streamers

Colourful Streamers

A simple way to make shining, colourful streamers. Colourful Streamers [Illustrations by Shinod AP] The things you need: Sheets of thin, coloured paper Scissors Step 1: Make three folds in the paper as shown in the figure. Step 2: Make slits at regular intervals all along the length of the paper (L1) without cutting the opposite length (L2). Step 3: Now repeat the same procedure making slits from L2 towards L1....

Paper Bag Tiger

Paper Bag Tiger

With more amd more people using paper bags instead of plastic ones, you can find one easily for your tiger puppet. Paper Bag Tiger [Illustrations by Sudheer Nath] The things you need: Paper bag, paints and eyes. Step 1. Take a paper bag and make the face of a Tiger using black paint. Step 2. Paint the Tiger yellow. Step 3. If you cannot imagine then see this picture and make the face accordingly....

Twinkling Stars

Twinkling Stars [Illustrations by Anup Singh] All you need is: Square piece of paper. Colours. Fold the paper as shown in each of the figures below. Make three triangles in the same way. Now interlock two of them as shown below. Paste the third triangle to the interlocked triangles. Your star is ready to be coloured. Make as many stars as you want and let them spangle your room....

Recycled Telephone Books

Recycled Telephone Books

Recycled Telephone Books [Illustrations by Shinod AP] Telephone diaries, address books, origami, notepads…there are numerous uses for rough paper. Don’t discard your old notebooks with unused paper. Here is something useful you can make. The things you need: Unused paper and cover from an old notebook. Stapler Glue Velvet paper Blade Scissors Step 1: Tear out at least 14 pages of unused paper from the notebooks. If they are of unequal sizes, then even them out....

One Act Play

One Act Play

Maharaja Krishna Chandra was the king of Bengal during the middle ages. It was customary for kings in those days to patronise talented people. So every king had his own court poets, artists, singers, town planners, architects. And every king had a court jester. The jester was a very important person for his ability to make people laugh and feel happy. Gopal was the maharaja’s favourite jester. A barber by profession, he had a razor-sharp wit and could make the best of any situation....


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