Once upon a time, a Chinese student once went to his teacher.
He asked his teacher a question: “Sir, is there any good in talking a lot?”
The teacher replied: “Toads and frogs croak night and day, but no one pays any attention to them. But the cock crows at a certain time of night and wakes up everyone.”
![Silence is Golden [Illustration by Sudheer Nath]](/media/folktales-66_1_hub5744f2e89bdcdd28043ca48f9698218_21585_820x0_resize_q60_box.gif)
The teacher smiled at his student and said, “This proves that no good is achieved by talking a lot. What is important is to say the right thing at the right time.”
98 words |
0 minutes
Grade 4 (9-10 year old children)
Based on Flesch–Kincaid readability scores
Filed under: folktales
Tags: #student
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